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Posts uit april, 2015 tonen

Excel: Bootvluchtelingen en groei bevolking van Afrika

Volop in het nieuws, de bootvluchtelingen. Veel gruwelijke verhalen. Veel van deze mensen komen uit landen met een uiterst onderdrukkend regime. Eritrea bijvoorbeeld. Een andere belangrijke factor waar we veel minder over horen is de toenemende bevolkingsdruk in Afrika. Nu weet ik ook wel dat niet alle bootvluchtelingen uit Afrika komen. Hier wil ik evenwel de ontwikkeling van de bevolking van dit continent cijfermatig toelichten. In onderstaande grafiek laat ik de ontwikkeling van de inwonersaantallen zien van 2003 tot en met 2023. BRON : In het bijbehorende bestand kun je zelf simpel de jaartallen aanpassen en bekijken hoe dat het beeld verandert. In heel veel landen in Afrika laat de bevolking zeer hoge groeicijfers zien. In Eritrea bijvoorbeeld ligt dat op 3,3 procent per jaar. Dat betekent dat de bevolking daar zich binnen tweeëntwintig jaar zal verdubbelen. In Zuid Soedan gebeurt dat zelfs in zo'n zestien jaar. Beide politiek ze...

Report Builder / Reporting Services: Reports Without Data? Very Useful!

The report I created here contains no data from an external source. The numbers we see, all come from calculations based on the figures given via the input parameters. The expressions look like this: Max Deviation: =Code.BerekeningNorm(Parameters!parNormAfwijking.Value,Parameters!parProfielLengteNorm.Value) (based on the upper two paramaters) Requirement : =Code.Berekening(Parameters!parMaxAfwijkingNorm.Value,  Parameters!parProfielLengteNorm.Value)  (based on lower parameter and the right upper one) The function code behind the report: Function Berekening(MaxAfwijkingNorm as Integer,ProfielLengteNorm as Integer) as Double Berekening = MaxAfwijkingNorm ^2 Berekening = Berekening + (ProfielLengteNorm / 2)^2 Berekening = Berekening / (2 * MaxAfwijkingNorm) Berekening = Berekening - ((Berekening^2) -  250000)^(1/2) End Function Function BerekeningNorm(NormAfwijking as Double,ProfielLengteNorm as Integer) as Double BerekeningNorm=NormAfwijk...

Excel: Creating Your Own Tabs With XML And VBA

In order to create you own nice looking tabs you need the Custom UI Editor for Microsoft Office. You can download it for free. How is this different from choosing File , Options , Customize Ribbon and adding a new tab with new groups and then commands to the group? You can also move the new tab to any position. T hen your new tab is always there. Even when you don't open the specific file with the right VBA. In my example the outcome looks like this, a nice tab, placed in front of the Home Tab. You will only get this tab when you start the specific example (which you can download). The XML behind this: <customUI xmlns="">    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">     <tabs>       <tab id="MaxIlze" label="Dossier Overzicht" insertBeforeMso="TabHome">         <group id="customGroup1" label="Adressen verrijken">         ...

Excel: Microsoft Query and Slicers (2013)

For some reason I was under the impression that Microsoft Query was outdated and should me replaced by PowerPivot. While working on some VBA scripts to create a ListObject with a QueryTable (what you need to use a Microsoft Query), I all of a sudden discovered a new feature for Microsoft Query: Slicers ! Or better said, the button Insert Slicer . And of course, the slicer you create is automatically connected to your dataset: Got a remark from Craig Hatmaker, in version 2013, slicers work with all tables. So, Microsft Query tables, Pivot Tables and regular lists,changed into a table. And of course, connected charts are adjusted with your choice. By the way, the VBA scripts I was working on: Sub ListObjectAdd()     'create listobject connected to database     With ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(SourceType:=0, Source:="ODBC;DSN=ndw;", Destination:=Range("$A$1")).QueryTable         .CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Customers"    ...

Excel: Are PDF Converters Useful?

Ik was asked to look into a PDF converter for Excel . Reward: a free license. By the way, it can also be used to convert to other file types: This one - a commercial product, on the market for over 10 years - is called  Able2Extract . More information can be found via: prod_a2e.htm I use their own words about the product: The Advanced PDF to Excel conversion feature allows users to: Correctly recognizes rows and columns inside every table locked in PDF format. Users can choose to split or merge rows or columns pre-conversion based on their own criteria which can significantly save them time. It is possible to convert only selected part of the table. So i ran a simple test. I converted an Excel temperature tabel to PDF: I then used the converter to get the data back to Excel. I simply selected all data and pressed Excel => convert: As you can see, something went wrong with the first column, but that could be easily adjust...

Word: Templates With The Perfect Circle

In the example template I am showing here, a dialogue window will automatically start on opening: As soon as you enter some stuff in the dialogue window and you click OK the text fields in the memo template will be filled in: At the same time, a new Tab  + Button will appear at the left hand side: Adjust Memo Fields . As you click this button, the dialogue window will appear again, filled in this time: When you are in the right mood, you can go on forever. If you are interested, you can download the template with the legacy fields  memo.dotm here: or the new one with the content controls: memonieuw.dotm

Excel: simpel VBA script om PDF's te printen

De data: Factuur Afdrukken 2015WM0101.pdf nee 2015WM0102.pdf ja 2015WM0103.pdf nee 2015WM0104.pdf ja Het VBA script: Sub printPDFfiles()     Dim strProg As String     Dim intRows As Integer     Dim rngCel As Range     Dim strFile As String     Dim strFolderFrom As String          Application.ScreenUpdating = False     'Bepaal het pad waar de PDF's staan     strFolderFrom = "D:\data\Essentra\pdf\"         ' bepaal het aantal gebruikte rijen     intRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count          'Controleer je ADOBE READER versie en het pad erheen, bijvoorbeeld:     'strProg = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe"     strProg = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" ...